Tuesday, April 15, 2008

End Of Student Life :-(

Today is our college's farewell day, this is the 1st time in my student, I felt the pain of friendship. Till now, none of my friends made me realise that I'm going to lose them. I may done many mistakes and there may many misunderstandings with my friends during my graduation period. But, today I really feel for it and today I realise that I missed many great moment in my college. I know, this 3 year in my life wont come back ! This 3 years is the most memorable days in my life till I die. This 3 year has shown me everything to the peak joyfulness and the depth of sadness. :-(

I dont want to lose any of friend anymore. But this 3 year gone just like 3 days. I feel like yesterday is the 1ST DAY in COLLEGE. When I enter into class, the whole class when slient for a moment, still feel the moments. But at the same time, a spark has to be ignited to make metamorphosis wheel rotate from the STUDENT to PROFESSIONAL :-). To make myself stand on my own earnings.

I really wants to open my heart on the mistakes I made during these days and wants to apologies to one and all. Really wants to salute my staffs, who tolerated me during my mistakes.

I wish all my friends stays with me forever :-(

Now, tears in my EYES, pain in my HEART and I feel like my THROAT is choking. :-(

- Selvam

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