Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Top 10 Worst Computer Virus

Monday, September 5, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Get Ready to Run!!
1. Running is the quickest way to cardiovascular fitness. You get fitter faster by running regularly.
2. Running is one of the cheapest forms of exercising. You only need a pair of running shoes and shorts and T-shirt to get started.
3. Running is easy to learn. Most people have run at some point in their life, either competitively or at school/college, so there is no steep learning curve involved.
4. Running makes you feel good, not only physically, but mentally as well.
5. Running is excellent for reducing stress levels. There is nothing better than a run to clear your head and concentrate the mind. Many great ideas have been formulated on training runs.
6. Running is one of the most flexible methods of training around. Wherever you are in the world, it is nearly always possible to get out for a run. You can jog, steady run or sprint depending on how you feel that particular day.
7. Running is good for your heart. It not only strengthens the heart but also reduces the actual resting heart rate.
8. Running is accessible to all. As long as you are physically able, you can go for a run virtually anytime and anywhere. There are no race barriers to running.
9. Running helps you to lose weight and tone muscles. The more your train and run, the more weight you will lose. Also by toning up, you are getting rid of the excess fat and converting it to muscle.
10. Running is for people of all ages. Old or young, everyone can benefit from running.
11. It is good for your sex life! By being more physically active you increase your sex drive.
12. When run training, you can get away with eating chocolate and legitimately say it is part of your training program.
13. Running is a great way to recover from a hangover. A run will help clear your head faster than sitting around feeling terrible.
14. Running is a great safety aid. Being able to run away from people puts you in a much better position if you are chased.
15. You can use running to change other people's lives. Run for a charity and raise money to help the needy or less able.
16. Running with friends gives you time to catch up on gossip and get fit at the same time.
17. Running is a time-efficient way to get fit and lose weight so you have more free time after exercising to enjoy yourself.
18. Running is a challenge that can be motivational and bring great personal satisfaction.
19. Running is a great way to see a new place if you have limited time available for sightseeing. Just think how much more of a place you can see when running around it compared to walking.
20. Running improves your concentration as you are forced to concentrate more when running. This in turn improves your concentration when you have to focus in other areas of life.
21. You nearly always work better after a run because you are still on a runner's high and feel ready for anything.
22. Running is a great way to meet people, especially if you join a club or enter a race.
23. There are no monthly subscriptions with running. You just put your running shoes on and go.
24. Endurance built-up through running can be transferred to other sports.
25. If you drink alcohol you can just run a little bit further the next day to work off the extra calories.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
4G Launched.....shhhsss...!!
TOCKHOLM—Almost a year ago Swedish telecom operator TeliaSonera AB launched the world's first super-fast mobile Internet service, and now rivals are beginning to enter a Nordic market that is a pioneer in fourth generation, or 4G, Long Term Evolution technology.
Two weeks ago, TeliaSonera's Swedish rival Tele2 AB, together with Norway's Telenor ASA, kicked off the launch of their own Swedish 4G LTE network, with speeds of up to 80 megabits per second—10 times faster than existing networks—plastering downtown Stockholm with ads for the new service in their push to win a share of the market for high-speed mobile data.
The Nordic region, with its relatively low population density, may seem an unlikely frontier for the very latest in mobile technology, but customers there tend to be early adopters and, as Tele2 Sweden Chief Executive Niclas Palmstierna says, the region is home to two global leaders in the mobile field: Telefon AB L.M. Ericsson, the world's largest network equipment vendor, and Nokia Corp., the largest mobile-phone maker. This fertile ground has also attracted external players who want to test the emerging 4G market. In a blow to Ericsson in its own back yard, Huawei Technologies Co. of China last year won the contract to provide infrastructure for Tele2's and Telenor's new network.
The Nordic region has become a test site for 4G technology that is slowly spreading to bigger markets—Verizon Wireless, the largest U.S. cellular operator—a joint venture between Verizon Communications and Vodafone Group Ltd.—launched its first commercial 4G service in the U.S. Sunday.
As data-hungry smartphones become more widely available and demand for tablets like Apple Inc.'s iPad increases, customers have become accustomed to fast fixed-line broadband and increasingly want the same experience while on the move.
Offering a faster, more reliable service than rivals is what differentiates mobile operators fighting for market share and profit. Other regions are following: in the U.S., MetroPCS Communications Inc. launched 4G services in a handful of cities, including Las Vegas and San Francisco, in the autumn, while Sprint Nextel Corp. also offers 4G in a number of regions. Verizon aims for U.S.-wide coverage by 2013.
In Asia, Telstra Corp. subsidiary CSL Ltd. launched a combined 3G/LTE network in Hong Kong on Nov. 25, the first in the region. NTT DoCoMo Inc., Japan's biggest mobile operator, said this month that it is on track to offer a new data communication service using LTE on Dec. 24.
The market right now is limited to 4G dongles used with laptops and netbooks, as 4G-enabled smartphones and tablets aren't available yet, and Sweden offers an early insight into how the technology performs.
Tele2, which in 2008 paid 500 million Swedish kronor ($73.5 million) for a 4G license, hopes to provide 4G coverage for 99% of Sweden's population by 2012, competing with incumbent TeliaSonera on price.
A number of technical advancements help make 4G networks faster. Data is sent and received using IP, or Internet Protocol-based technology.
That data-centric focus is in contrast to 3G networks that have to handle various kinds of voice and data traffic simultaneously, making them slower and less efficient. 4G networks also have fewer network nodes, which means fewer transmission delays. And, when radio waves travel from a base station to mobile devices, the Long Term Evolution radio technology used in 4G networks makes more efficient use of available spectrum, further boosting speed.
Still, despite impressive performance , few consumers have so far paid the 599 Swedish kronor ($86) a month that TeliaSonera charges for a 4G subscription. The operator, which in the third quarter had close to 160 million customers world-wide , has so far only sold a couple of thousand 4G subscriptions , according to its head of Mobility Services, Hakan Dahlstrom.
In the U.S., Verizon plans to offer subscriptions starting at $50 a month, though with a slower service than TeliaSonera's due to spectrum considerations .
Consumer adoption has been slow in part due to a shortage of 4G-compatible laptop modems, but also because TeliaSonera so far has only rolled out the service in 11 Swedish cities, Mr. Dahlstrom says, with the aim of covering 228 cities by the end of next year.
There are other hurdles to overcome before the market can really take off; 4G networks will need additional spectrum as coverage grows, and as governments free up new frequencies in coming auctions, these could turn out to be costly in markets where several rival operators bid for licenses, leaving less money to buy equipment for the new networks.
As an indication of the value of spectrum, in the summer Germany auctioned off 4G spectrum for the first time, netting a total of €4.38 billion ($5.87 billion) for the government. Network costs in terms of equipment and software are also significant; network gear maker Nokia Siemens Networks in July won an eight-year, $7 billion contract to deploy and maintain a mobile broadband network in the U.S. for newly formed telecom venture LightSquared.
U.K. communications regulator Ofcom expects its 4G auction to take place some time in the first quarter of 2012 with frequencies released by the end of the following year. Spain is expected to authorize auctions by year-end that free up additional 4G spectrum in 2011.
Still, even if the operators get the 4G spectrum they need, the real money won't start flowing in until consumers get a good supply of 4G-connected tablets and smartphones, says Bengt Nordstrom, chief executive at telecom consultancy Northstream.
"Right now it's only about investments," Mr. Nordstrom says. "When the technology gets more mature around 2012 or 2013, you may start to see revenue as well."
The first 4G tablets and smartphones could reach the market next year, Dalhstrom says, adding that TeliaSonera is discussing this issue with a number of mobile handset vendors.
Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703989004575652362332393700.html#ixzz1AfL5Iw24